Assessment on possible effects of gentle soil-compaction-by-detonation operations on agricultural land and forest stands

Duration 09.04.2018 - 31.12.2021
Management Knoche, Dirk
Processing Lange, Christian A., Schlepphorst, Rainer,
Keywords examinations on soil, Risk of sudden transition from a solid to a liquified state of inside dumps, root system and growth of forest stands, soil-compaction-by-detonation,

Within a framework of a quadrennial pedological and forest growth monitoring, possible direct and longterm effects of soil-compaction-by-detonation measures are being investigated. Thereby, effects on soil structure, root system, growth, forest stand vitality and ecosystem‘s usability are examined in detail. Soil physical properties and forest growth investigations are conducted before and after the soil-compaction-by-detonation measures to assess the sustainable usability of farmland and forests affected by controlled detonation operations.


Project Funding

Lausitzer- und Mitteldeutsche Bergbau-Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH (LMBV)

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